I love simple dishes that, having made a minimal preparation, can be frozen, and after coming home from work, quickly baked in the oven, without wasting time on cooking dinner! One of these dishes is my favorite stuffed zucchini baked in an omelet.
Especially for this yummy, I ordered giblets in a package via the Internet. I can say with confidence, like every Libyan, that there are no more delicious dishes. This is the dish that you can talk about only by choking on your own saliva. The taste is sharp.
Juicy fish sausages without eggs, super-tender, with a slight taste of pickles, accompanied by creamy spicy rice with the aroma of herbs – we offer you a light and very tasty dish for a family lunch or dinner. I am sure that your family will like this dish!
In my family, rice was not very popular and interesting. But one day, visiting her friend, she still managed to persuade me to try her rice and surprise me. The rice was so delicious, so juicy, so sweet and salty at the same time. My relatives eat this rice for both cheeks))) I share the recipe!!!)
I suggest you try a light, tender salad with rice, cucumber and salted red fish. The salad is prepared very quickly and easily! Try to cook and enjoy the salad.
These juicy, spicy and full of flavors kebabs will not leave you indifferent, kebab in Persian “roast meat” is an Arabic dish, an oblong cutlet fried on a skewer. I decided to cook not quite a traditional kebab, as I used soy sauce, it turned out great kebabs.
Rice cooked according to this recipe turns out delicious, crumbly, tender, lush… and so you can continue indefinitely. If you don’t like dry rice, this recipe is for you. Now I cook rice just like that. Try it and you!!!
Two different dishes, two flavors. I suggest you cook this simple dish with me. The fish turned out to be spicy and fragrant, thanks to a mixture of Provencal herbs and lemon zest, rice and buckwheat gave a delicate sound to the dish.