One of the most favorite combinations in the cuisine of many peoples is meat with potatoes, as an option – baked chicken wings with potatoes in sour cream. And to make the potatoes better soaked in sour cream sauce, it should be cut into thin slices.
A very delicious cake with a bright rich taste of black currant berries, a chocolate cake with the aroma of natural coffee. This exquisite taste will haunt you for a long time. This is being prepared for one, two, three. There are not many products, and if you have a stock of freshly frozen black currant berries, then you will have time to prepare this pie for the New Year. Whisk the liquid ingredients, add the mixed dry ingredients, dilute with freshly brewed natural coffee and put the dough in the oven. It remains to grate the berries, whisk the cream and … the pie is ready.
A delicious, hearty and very fragrant side dish is suitable for almost any dish. The juiciness and pleasant creamy taste of the dish is given by sour cream, instead of which you can take cream or mayonnaise. For a festive table, you can prepare such a side dish in portion molds.
I want to share with you a recipe for an original festive snack made of rye bread. The cost of the products is low, and the dish is easy to prepare. But the result will definitely please you! Two crispy loaves, with an insanely delicious filling between them, and all this in a delicate delicious batter!
The Ant Hill cake is one of those cakes that we have known and loved since childhood. Sweet, delicious and easy to prepare. In the classic version, the sand crumbs are mixed with a cream of butter and boiled condensed milk. But, high-quality boiled condensed milk is very difficult to find now, and you don’t always want to cook yourself, and sometimes it’s dangerous. Therefore, I suggest that you prepare a simple and relaxed (due to the minimum amount of butter) cream.
Without pretending to be original, we just offer a fantastically delicious dish, with a tender dough and juicy filling, very satisfying, very autumnal. These pies will not leave you a choice – “to eat or not to eat”… definitely “there is”. And as soon as possible! While they’re hot! Not yet stolen, blessed me!
Do you like cottage cheese pastries? And the Apple? There are few indifferent people. And I have for you a recipe for cottage cheese cookies with apple filling, and even with dried cranberries and sprinkled almonds. What could be tastier for family home tea parties on autumn evenings.