Breaded Chicken Wings Recipe


They are prepared quite simply and quickly, but it requires a lot of oil. Who is too lazy to read – traditionally, at the end of the post there will be the most understandable and short video lasting 2.5 minutes without words. I recommend watching the video for completeness.

Zucchini with Cottage Cheese Recipe


I love zucchini and sometimes experiment with them. And somehow I came up with this method of cooking zucchini. It seemed to me that it turned out delicious, and I cooked the second time just as well and brought it to work, which the girls would appreciate, everyone really liked it. They even asked for a recipe. And so I decided to post a recipe, in case someone likes it.

Lush Lean Vanilla Pancakes on Water Recipe


I love draniki and pancakes. Sometimes I want to eat them on fasting days. Today I have such a wish. I baked pancakes for breakfast. Of course, they are yeast, so it will take more time to raise the dough. Pancakes need to be cooked as much as you can eat with fervor from the heat. In my youth, these pancakes were served in canteens, and we liked them, and we ate them when we went to lunch at the nearest canteen. Only they were without vanilla. They were served with sour cream and sugar.