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Ham and Cheese Puffs Recipe
It is very easy to prepare delicious and appetizing puff pastry with ham and cheese for tea. Come in and try to cook.
Cook Time 70 minutes
Cook Time 70 minutes
  1. Cut the ham into medium-sized cubes (cubes, strips), transfer to a plate.
    Cut the ham into medium-sized cubes (cubes, strips), transfer to a plate.
  2. Cut the cheese in the same way as the ham, cubes) cubes, strips) transfer to a plate.
    Cut the cheese in the same way as the ham, cubes) cubes, strips) transfer to a plate.
  3. Grate some of the cheese on a fine grater, transfer to a plate.
    Grate some of the cheese on a fine grater, transfer to a plate.
  4. Beat 1 chicken egg.
    Beat 1 chicken egg.
  5. Roll out the puff pastry, divide it into equal parts.
    Roll out the puff pastry, divide it into equal parts.
  6. Lay out the cheese
    Lay out the cheese
  7. And put the ham on one part of the puff pastry..
    And put the ham on one part of the puff pastry..
  8. Brush the edges with beaten chicken egg. Wrap in an envelope, pinch the edges and transfer to a baking sheet. We do the same with the remaining parts and the second layer of dough.
    Brush the edges with beaten chicken egg. Wrap in an envelope, pinch the edges and transfer to a baking sheet. We do the same with the remaining parts and the second layer of dough.
  9. Brush the puffs with beaten chicken egg and sprinkle some of them with grated cheese. Let it come up a little and send it to the oven at a temperature of 180 C for 20-25 minutes.
    Brush the puffs with beaten chicken egg and sprinkle some of them with grated cheese. Let it come up a little and send it to the oven at a temperature of 180 C for 20-25 minutes.
  10. Serve with tea.
    Serve with tea.
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