Marmalade Recipe

Marmalade Recipe

My son is a year and almost 10 months old, some time ago we began to be interested in sweets. Because I'm such an evil mom, I don't allow candy to the baby.. and in general, everything except baby cookies and a little bit of bitter chocolate, I began to look for sweets that can be easily and, preferably with the involvement of the child's forces, prepared at home! Most of all, my son likes marmalade! Come in!
Cook Time 40 minutes



  1. My main assistant in the preparation of delicious and healthy marmalade is the Scarlett juicer. Choose the first soft fruit program and squeeze the juice from a glass of raspberries. There is enough juice (and raspberries are slightly watery this year due to the abundance of rains). Do not throw away the pie (it is quite moist and will be useful to us in the next recipe)
  2. Half an hour before juicing, soak the agar-agar in water. Combine raspberry juice and soaked agar-agar and put on a slow fire. Stirring occasionally, let the liquid simmer for about 2 minutes. At this moment, you can add your favorite spices to the liquid - vanilla, anise, after the future marmalade is removed from the fire, you can add a few drops of your favorite alcohol - for example, berry liqueur. But I'm making marmalade for the baby, so I don't even put sugar in it!
  3. Attract the child-put a whole raspberry in the molds, while do not forget to put the berries in his mouth! While the child is eating raspberries, fill the molds with the future raspberry marmalade. Put it in the refrigerator. In short, agar-agar freezes very quickly! Literally 15-20 minutes!
  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and call the child again! Remove the marmalade from the molds. Hand the child a brush and under your careful guidance smear the marmalade with chocolate! While we clean the chocolate itself, and keep the children's marmalade in the refrigerator!
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