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Rolls of grilled Peppers Recipe
Very appetizing and flavorful snack, with a light taste. Everything is prepared quickly and simply, as always from available products))
  1. Cut the chicken fillet in half, wrap it in a sheet with seasoning. On the second for a tender chicken breast fillet." Fry on both sides over medium heat for 15 minutes.
    Cut the chicken fillet in half, wrap it in a sheet with seasoning. On the second for a tender chicken breast fillet." Fry on both sides over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  2. Peppers are cleaned from seeds, cut in half and sent to a preheated 200 * oven for 20 minutes. We take it out and peel it.
    Peppers are cleaned from seeds, cut in half and sent to a preheated 200 * oven for 20 minutes. We take it out and peel it.
  3. The finished chicken fillet is cut into slices and spread on half of the pepper.
    The finished chicken fillet is cut into slices and spread on half of the pepper.
  4. Spread the curd cheese on top. You can add garlic, but I wanted without it. Form rolls and serve warm.
    Spread the curd cheese on top.
You can add garlic, but I wanted without it.
Form rolls and serve warm.
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