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Salad with Corn, Olives and Pepper Recipe
I liked this recipe for its simplicity! And a lean dish can be beautiful and appetizing!
  1. Cut the sweet and chili peppers into thin slices.
    Cut the sweet and chili peppers into thin slices.
  2. Mini corn cobs cut into three pieces.
    Mini corn cobs cut into three pieces.
  3. I have olives stuffed with dried tomatoes.
    I have olives stuffed with dried tomatoes.
  4. We put all the products for the salad in a large bowl. Add salt. In a separate bowl, mix the sunflower oil and wine vinegar, beat with a fork.
    We put all the products for the salad in a large bowl.
Add salt.
In a separate bowl, mix the sunflower oil and wine vinegar,
beat with a fork.
  5. Pour the filling over the salad, pepper and mix.
    Pour the filling over the salad, pepper and mix.
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