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Lean Warm Vegetable Salad Recipe
Beautiful spring time!! I love this time when the first vegetables appear in the markets!! Today we are preparing a delicious hearty salad of spring vegetables and herbs!!
Cook Time 40 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
  1. Young small potatoes are well washed with a brush, dried, put in a mold, sprinkle with salt, thyme leaves and pour vegetable oil." Bake at 200 g for 30 minutes until tender.
    Young small potatoes are well washed with a brush, dried, put in a mold, sprinkle with salt, thyme leaves and pour vegetable oil." Bake at 200 g for 30 minutes until tender.
  2. Cucumber and radish cut into thin slices, onion-feathers.
    Cucumber and radish cut into thin slices, onion-feathers.
  3. Cucumber and radish cut into thin slices, onion-feathers. Spinach cut into strips, dill and green onions finely chopped.
    Cucumber and radish cut into thin slices, onion-feathers. Spinach cut into strips, dill and green onions finely chopped.
  4. For salad dressing, mix soy sauce and vegetable oil.
    For salad dressing, mix soy sauce and vegetable oil.
  5. Combine all the vegetables and herbs, season with salad dressing, mix and serve immediately.
    Combine all the vegetables and herbs, season with salad dressing, mix and serve immediately.
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