Christmas Beans Recipe


I gave this name to this bean because I cook it, for some reason, only once a year – at Christmas. Although this dish is very tasty, satisfying and easy to prepare. There is an opinion that there must be bean dishes on the Christmas table as a symbol of prosperity. Our choice fell on this option.

Salad with Sausauge Recipe


Delicious, hearty salad, you can take any sausage / boiled meat / meat delicacy for cooking – it depends on the rank of the celebration. It is ideal in winter, because literally one large tomato is enough for its design, it is also the “nail” of the recipe.

Kulesh “Really” Recipe


My grandmother always said that kulesh should be cooked “with a soul and slowly.” And today I realized the secret of this delicious dish. I’ve always cooked according to this recipe, but today it turned out especially delicious. I did everything slowly and in the very warm company of our friends. My husband gave me this name. After the first spoonful he said: “This is a real kulesh!”

Chicken Pastrami Recipe


I know that there are many options for cooking pastrami on the site, but let me suggest my own option and share such a wonderful dish once again. Pastrami can be added to a salad, served in slices and in the form of sandwiches. In general, a very tasty substitute for sausage.

Cucumbers Salad Recipe


It would seem that what could be more banal than a combination of carrots and cucumbers! But the secret is in the non-standard cutting and simply amazing, delicious, unusual and fragrant dressing! I’m sure, I’m just convinced – absolutely everyone will like the salad!