An original dish with an unusual fruit for our latitudes-carambola. Carambola! It smells Italian, doesn’t it? A roll, you can say, two in one. It can be used as a cold appetizer or as a hot dish with a side dish.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Good afternoon, dear chefs!!! I hasten to introduce you to a very simple and very tasty dish of Belarusian CUISINE – SORCERERS!!! In Belarus, sorcerers cook differently in different regions! My grandmother always cooked them.. now it’s my mom and, of course, I also cook them for my family according to this recipe. There are recipes of masters on the site, but this is definitely not there. The main difference is that grandma’s witches are prepared without flour. That’s why they turn out to be very tender and delicious! I suggest you try our family dish!
Do you like borscht? If you like, you will definitely like this soup. Unusually beautiful, bright, rich, healthy vegetable soup with beetroot, vegetables, rice and beef meatballs. From a simple set of vegetables and products, it turns out just a wonderful soup that is easy to prepare. Meatballs can be made from any minced meat.
We’ve never celebrated Halloween. But everything changed last year when I decided to throw a party for the kids. I prepared a room of fear for them, at the end of which they were waiting for a wonderful dinner with unusual dishes. One of the dishes was mummified pepper. They were very satisfying and replaced the main course for the children. I made my husband a side dish for them, and he was also delighted. Try it – it’s very tasty!