Oregano in cooking is used fresh or dried. Spice is a mandatory component of the mixture of “Provencal herbs”, which also includes:
Oregano goes well with these herbs, together they give the dishes a unique taste and aroma.
What Dishes are Oregano Added to?
Oregano is used in the preparation of meat and chicken dishes, fish and seafood, vegetables and mushrooms, tomato and meat soups. In Italy, chefs often use oregano seasoning for pizza: its delicate aroma and delicate taste perfectly complements tomatoes and cheese.
It is impossible to imagine Italian pasta, lasagna, Greek salad without spices. It is added to casseroles, omelets, drinks (beer, kvass, wine, tea). Oregano can be found in various spicy mixtures designed to improve the taste of sauces, mayonnaise.
When and How Much to Add?
Oregano seasoning should be added to dishes in minimal quantities so as not to drown out the natural taste of products or the aroma of other spices.
When cooking according to the recipe, it should be borne in mind that a tablespoon of fresh oregano contains as much as dried in a teaspoon — about 4 g.
Dry seasoning, like fresh oregano leaves, is advised by professional chefs to add 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking.
Sauces and dressings for salads and desserts with spices are prepared in advance (at least 2 hours in advance) so that they have time to brew.
How to Replace Oregano?
Oregano has an original taste and aroma that is not inherent in other spices. However, if there was no spice at home, it can be replaced in a dish:
-with a mixture of “Provencal herbs”;
-green basil;
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