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Snack on Flaxseed Bread Recipe
Fast and beautiful, delicious and healthy! We serve our favorite snack "tomatoes with cheese and garlic" on bread rolls. Even the guests are not ashamed to offer. I recommend it.
  1. From this simple set of products, we will prepare a snack. The main thing is high-quality bread, delicious and healthy.
    From this simple set of products, we will prepare a snack.
The main thing is high-quality bread, delicious and healthy.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and herbs and dry them. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
    Wash the tomatoes and herbs and dry them. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
  3. Mix the cheese, chopped herbs with garlic and sour cream.
    Mix the cheese, chopped herbs with garlic and sour cream.
  4. Spread the cheese mass on the loaves.
    Spread the cheese mass on the loaves.
  5. Put a slice of tomato, a little more cheese mass and again a slice of tomato.
    Put a slice of tomato, a little more cheese mass and again a slice of tomato.
  6. On the tomato pyramid cheese mass, sprinkle with ground black pepper.
    On the tomato pyramid cheese mass, sprinkle with ground black pepper.
  7. Serve with sprigs of herbs.
    Serve with sprigs of herbs.
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