Buckwheat without Cooking Recipe


A simple recipe for making perfectly crumbly buckwheat porridge. Delicious and healthy breakfast – buckwheat porridge with milk, a versatile side dish of buckwheat or buckwheat porridge with vegetables. In any case, buckwheat will turn out whole, crumbly and just very tasty! The cooking time is indicated without taking into account the soaking time.

Buckwheat with Chicken and Vegetables Recipe


In a country where there is rarely hot water, sometimes there is none at all. Washing dishes is not a particularly pleasant activity anyway, and when the water is cold or there is not enough of it, it is generally a torment. Therefore, we will cook chicken with vegetables immediately with a side dish on the same frying pan or baking sheet with high sides. So to speak, two in one. And it turns out very tasty. Come visit!