Chicken Wings in Rice Flour and Starch Recipe


Chicken is very suitable for mushroom fricassee, which, in my case, is prepared separately from mushrooms, but served together. Which gives both dishes sophistication, unique taste and aroma. You can take both the whole chicken and its individual parts. Cooking chicken is not difficult at all, the chicken is cooked quickly, not counting pickling, which can be done in advance. Chicken cooked in such a marinade of starch and rice flour will turn out to be very soft, juicy and tender, unlike an ordinary casserole.

Hot Dog Recipe


Probably, there is no such person who has never tried a hot dog! Usually it is a bun with mustard, sauce and sausage… But I cooked it in my own way and not just in a bun, but in a mini baguette, and it turned out very tasty and fast.