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Canapes "Cucumber" Recipe
It's very simple, original, delicious and on top of everything useful! It is prepared very quickly, so if you come to visit! Or you wanted to eat quickly and easily!
  1. Mix the cheese well with finely chopped herbs and garlic, passed through a press. Add salt to taste.
    Mix the cheese well with finely chopped herbs and garlic, passed through a press. Add salt to taste.
  2. Cut the cucumber into thin slices.
    Cut the cucumber into thin slices.
  3. We divide a loaf of bread into three parts.
    We divide a loaf of bread into three parts.
  4. Spread the cheese mass on each bread. String a piece of cucumber on a skewer and decorate the canapes.
    Spread the cheese mass on each bread. String a piece of cucumber on a skewer and decorate the canapes.
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