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Multi-Colored Puff Jelly Recipe
Light, delicious, moderately sweet dessert will be a great addition to the festive table.
Cook Time 60 minutes
Cook Time 60 minutes
  1. Soak the gelatin in cold boiled water. Leave for 40 minutes to swell.
    Soak the gelatin in cold boiled water. Leave for 40 minutes to swell.
  2. Beat the raspberries until smooth with a blender. I used raspberry puree frozen for the winter in the freezer. Add 60 g of sugar and mix.
    Beat the raspberries until smooth with a blender. I used raspberry puree frozen for the winter in the freezer. Add 60 g of sugar and mix.
  3. Add the remaining sugar to the yogurt and whisk with a whisk.
    Add the remaining sugar to the yogurt and whisk with a whisk.
  4. Preheat the gelatin, add it equally to the yogurt and raspberry puree and mix. Pour a layer of red jelly 1 cm thick into the glasses . Cool until solidified.
    Preheat the gelatin, add it equally to the yogurt and raspberry puree and mix. Pour a layer of red jelly 1 cm thick into the glasses . Cool until solidified.
  5. Pour a 1 cm thick layer of white jelly over the frozen red jelly and refrigerate. Alternating layers, fill the glasses with the remaining jelly and let it freeze.
    Pour a 1 cm thick layer of white jelly over the frozen red jelly and refrigerate. Alternating layers, fill the glasses with the remaining jelly and let it freeze.
  6. Garnish with coconut shavings and red currant berries.
    Garnish with coconut shavings and red currant berries.
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