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Pork with Steamed Vegetables Recipe
Hello everyone, friends! I offer you a recipe for cooking delicious and tender pork steamed with vegetables.
  1. Cut the pork into small pieces.
    Cut the pork into small pieces.
  2. Potatoes are also cut into small pieces.
    Potatoes are also cut into small pieces.
  3. Cut the carrots into small circles.
    Cut the carrots into small circles.
  4. Cut onion and pepper into quarter rings.
    Cut onion and pepper into quarter rings.
  5. Add salt, black pepper, spices and olive oil. Mix it up.
    Add salt, black pepper, spices and olive oil.
Mix it up.
  6. We transfer it to the form. I pour 1.5 liters of boiling water into the bowl of the slow cooker. I put the form down, close the lid and set the program "for a couple" for 50 minutes.
    We transfer it to the form.
I pour 1.5 liters of boiling water into the bowl of the slow cooker. I put the form down, close the lid and set the program "for a couple" for 50 minutes.
  7. Pork and vegetables are ready. Sprinkle with herbs and serve hot.
    Pork and vegetables are ready. Sprinkle with herbs and serve hot.
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