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Pumpkin Cream Soup Recipe
Delicious, light, autumn soup. Easy and uncomplicated to prepare.
  1. Cut the onion into cubes.
    Cut the onion into cubes.
  2. The pumpkin must be cleaned and cut into large cubes.
    The pumpkin must be cleaned and cut into large cubes.
  3. In a large saucepan, fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, add the pumpkin. Fry for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
    In a large saucepan, fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, add the pumpkin. Fry for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Fill the pumpkin with broth or water. Cover with a lid, cook over low heat. Peel the tomato. To do this, it needs to be cut off from the top, pour boiling water, leave for a couple of minutes. Then rinse in cold water. Now the peel is easily removed.
    Fill the pumpkin with broth or water. Cover with a lid, cook over low heat.
Peel the tomato. To do this, it needs to be cut off from the top, pour boiling water, leave for a couple of minutes. Then rinse in cold water. Now the peel is easily removed.
  5. Add the peeled tomatoes to the soup and cook until tender.
    Add the peeled tomatoes to the soup and cook until tender.
  6. Add spices and garlic. Chop the finished soup in a blender. Enjoy your meal!
    Add spices and garlic. Chop the finished soup in a blender.
Enjoy your meal!
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