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Roast "Turkey with Mustard and Garlic" Recipe
And no matter how we cook poultry, turkey or chicken, fried remains in the first place. Simple and fast, and just change the addition, and on the table a new dish. I recommend it.
Cook Time 40 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
  1. The flesh of the Turkey cut into pieces.
    The flesh of the Turkey cut into pieces.
  2. Dried Borodino bread grate on a fine grater or grind in a mortar. Sprinkle the meat. Do not miss this step, sometimes a light touch changes the taste of the dish, transforming the ordinary to the festive-refined. You can use breadcrumbs.
    Dried Borodino bread grate on a fine grater or grind in a mortar. Sprinkle the meat. Do not miss this step, sometimes a light touch changes the taste of the dish, transforming the ordinary to the festive-refined.
You can use breadcrumbs.
  3. In well-heated oil, fry the turkey, the fire is above average, 5-7 minutes. Add the potato slices, fry until browned, 5 minutes.
    In well-heated oil, fry the turkey, the fire is above average, 5-7 minutes. Add the potato slices, fry until browned, 5 minutes.
  4. Add the garlic pieces, salt, and cook until tender, over medium heat, 10 minutes. Stirring occasionally.
    Add the garlic pieces, salt, and cook until tender, over medium heat, 10 minutes. Stirring occasionally.
  5. Add the thyme sprigs and cook for 3 minutes.
    Add the thyme sprigs and cook for 3 minutes.
  6. Add the mustard, stir and remove from the heat.
    Add the mustard, stir and remove from the heat.
  7. Bon appetit!
    Bon appetit!
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