Cabbage Casserole in The Pan Recipe


Cabbage casserole in a frying pan for breakfast. Everything is simple, fast and very tasty! A new crop of cabbage in such large forks and juicy. Forks are not consumed immediately, so you have to use them where it is possible and “impossible”. I offer you an excellent cabbage casserole with eggs, sour cream and cheese in a frying pan. The casserole is completely flour-free. It is suitable not only for breakfast, but also for a snack or dinner.

Casserole “Mushroom Basket” Recipe


The combination of mushrooms and potatoes – the taste is clear in everything. I propose to cook a delicious and satisfying casserole on bread from improvised products. Suitable for dinner, for lunch with hot broth or soup, decide for yourself. The recipe was born spontaneously during the preparation of mashed potatoes. The rest of the products were in stock and that’s what happened.

Moussaka “From Greece” Recipe


It so happened that for 3 weeks I was with my family in beautiful and still warm Greece. This is not my first visit, and moussaka is my old love. But this time I have a 5-month-old daughter with me, and it’s almost impossible to go to taverns and eat this magical dish. Well, we don’t like restaurants here); So I decided to cook moussaka at home. I didn’t find a similar recipe on the website. It is based on a recipe from the Greek forum and slightly adapted. Share the result.