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Chicken Fillet with Cheese in Bacon Recipe
Hello everyone This time I wanted to make one snack. I cooked "Small chicken fillet with cheese in bacon" It turned out not only an appetizer, but also a full-fledged dish. As a side dish, I cooked potatoes. The dish itself turned out delicious and appetizing! And also, you can use not only a small chicken fillet, but also a large chicken fillet, it will be just as cool! Thank you all for your attention, all the best!
Cook Time 80 minutes
Cook Time 80 minutes
  1. We prepare the chicken fillet, you can wash it, dry it and then get rid of the veins and tendons.
    We prepare the chicken fillet, you can wash it, dry it and then get rid of the veins and tendons.
  2. Then salt, pepper and sprinkle with seasoning for the chicken, mix.
    Then salt, pepper and sprinkle with seasoning for the chicken, mix.
  3. Next, add the sour cream, and mix again.
    Next, add the sour cream, and mix again.
  4. Cut the cheese into thin strips.
    Cut the cheese into thin strips.
  5. We take the chicken fillet, put a strip of cheese on it, and then wrap it in a strip of bacon. We transfer it to a baking sheet.
    We take the chicken fillet, put a strip of cheese on it, and then wrap it in a strip of bacon. We transfer it to a baking sheet.
  6. You can cut the potatoes, and also put them in a baking tray.
    You can cut the potatoes, and also put them in a baking tray.
  7. We send it to the oven until it is ready.
    We send it to the oven until it is ready.
  8. My "Snack" was prepared in 1 hour, but during this time the potatoes did not have time to cook in the oven, so it's fashionable to cook another side dish instead of potatoes!)
    My "Snack" was prepared in 1 hour, but during this time the potatoes did not have time to cook in the oven, so it's fashionable to cook another side dish instead of potatoes!)
  9. Done.
  10. Bon appetit.
    Bon appetit.
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