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Pasta with Mussels in Tomato Sauce Recipe
A great option for lunch on the long-awaited Sunday, hooray - you will be able to taste fish and seafood!!! It is prepared easily and unpretentiously. And the taste is just great.
  1. Here is a set of pasta products, only I forgot to put olive oil. My mussels are frozen.
    Here is a set of pasta products, only I forgot to put olive oil. My mussels are frozen.
  2. Fry finely chopped onions in heated olive oil, I always add a little sugar, so it gets a wonderful golden hue and becomes more fragrant.
    Fry finely chopped onions in heated olive oil, I always add a little sugar, so it gets a wonderful golden hue and becomes more fragrant.
  3. Put the mussels and chopped cherry tomatoes to the fried onion, add salt, season to taste, add lemon juice and fry over high heat.
    Put the mussels and chopped cherry tomatoes to the fried onion, add salt, season to taste, add lemon juice and fry over high heat.
  4. Prepare the sauce: mix half a cup of homemade (!) tomato juice with flour, add sugar and salt to taste, squeeze out garlic, mix well.
    Prepare the sauce: mix half a cup of homemade (!) tomato juice with flour, add sugar and salt to taste, squeeze out garlic, mix well.
  5. Pour the prepared sauce over the mussels and fry everything together for another 5 minutes until thickened.
    Pour the prepared sauce over the mussels and fry everything together for another 5 minutes until thickened.
  6. Pour in the wine, cover and simmer for a while.
    Pour in the wine, cover and simmer for a while.
  7. At this time, boil the spaghetti according to the instructions. Everything you can serve to the table! The fragrance is amazing.
    At this time, boil the spaghetti according to the instructions. Everything you can serve to the table! The fragrance is amazing.
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