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Salad with boiled Chicken and Grapes Recipe
Very pleasant, refreshing, with a piquant taste of celery salad. I highly recommend trying it.
Cook Time 40 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
  1. Just a wonderful set of products for salad, celery is already cleaned. My husband is away, there is no one to feed, so I prepared a salad from half of the products. Cut the chicken flesh into small slices, celery-straws, grapes-quarters, parsley finely chop.
    Just a wonderful set of products for salad, celery is already cleaned.
My husband is away, there is no one to feed, so I prepared a salad from half of the products. Cut the chicken flesh into small slices, celery-straws, grapes-quarters, parsley finely chop.
  2. Mix all the ingredients of the salad, add salt and sprinkle with lemon juice.
    Mix all the ingredients of the salad, add salt and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Grind the pistachios in any way, but not in flour, cut the onion feathers at an acute angle, and line the dish with salad leaves.
    Grind the pistachios in any way, but not in flour, cut the onion feathers at an acute angle, and line the dish with salad leaves.
  4. Add mayonnaise with lemon juice to the salad bowl and mix.
    Add mayonnaise with lemon juice to the salad bowl and mix.
  5. Put the salad on a hill on the lettuce leaves, decorate, sprinkling the salad with onions, thin strips of mayonnaise and grapes.
    Put the salad on a hill on the lettuce leaves, decorate, sprinkling the salad with onions, thin strips of mayonnaise and grapes.
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