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Avocado Salad Recipe
This salad is very quickly prepared, and the result is excellent. It turns out very tasty. I recommend you to try it.
Cook Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
  1. First, marinate the onion. For the marinade, take vegetable oil. Combine it with 9% vinegar, sugar, salt and boiled chilled water. Submerge the onion and set aside to marinate for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the cucumbers into quarter-rings. Tomatoes in medium cubes. Peel and bone the avocado and cut it into medium cubes.
    First, marinate the onion. For the marinade, take vegetable oil. Combine it with 9% vinegar, sugar, salt and boiled chilled water. Submerge the onion and set aside to marinate for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the cucumbers into quarter-rings. Tomatoes in medium cubes. Peel and bone the avocado and cut it into medium cubes.
  2. Finely chop the parsley. We connect everything. We squeeze the pickled onion and add it to the vegetables. Salt, pepper to taste. Sprinkle with the juice of one lemon and add olive oil. Mix it up)
    Finely chop the parsley. We connect everything.
We squeeze the pickled onion and add it to the vegetables.
Salt, pepper to taste. Sprinkle with the juice of one lemon and add olive oil. Mix it up)
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