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Crispy Cheese Sticks Recipe
Very tender, melting in the mouth, crispy cheese sticks are very suitable as a snack or just an addition to hot dishes. The snack turns out to be very tasty, the crispy crust gives the dish piquancy and flavor. It is better to eat this snack hot, as the cooling cheese sticks to the walls and loses its viscosity property.
  1. I have Dutch cheese. Cut six (take the right amount) slices of the desired thickness and length.
    I have Dutch cheese. Cut six (take the right amount) slices of the desired thickness and length.
  2. Beat the egg lightly with a fork.
    Beat the egg lightly with a fork.
  3. Take breadcrumbs, by eye, for a roll of sticks (you can use flour).
    Take breadcrumbs, by eye, for a roll of sticks (you can use flour).
  4. Now here's what we do: roll a slice of cheese in an egg, then in breadcrumbs, then again in an egg and again in breadcrumbs. And so 3 times, maybe 4. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
    Now here's what we do: roll a slice of cheese in an egg, then in breadcrumbs, then again in an egg and again in breadcrumbs. And so 3 times, maybe 4. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  5. To remove excess vegetable oil, place the sticks on a parchment or napkin. Ready.
    To remove excess vegetable oil, place the sticks on a parchment or napkin.
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