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Salad with Cabbage Recipe
Delicious, bright and not boring salad in 5 minutes! A slim figure and a light silhouette are provided!
  1. Grate the apple on a coarse grater and sprinkle with lemon.
    Grate the apple on a coarse grater and sprinkle with lemon.
  2. Cut cabbage, peppers and tomatoes into cubes (or arbitrarily).
    Cut cabbage, peppers and tomatoes into cubes (or arbitrarily).
  3. Add carrots, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.
    Add carrots, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.
  4. Finely chop the green onion and add the mustard. Mix the salad.
    Finely chop the green onion and add the mustard. Mix the salad.
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