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Salad with Beans and Vegetables Recipe
In my family, beans have always been rarely eaten. But recently our tastes have changed, and now we cook it several times a week.
Cook Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
  1. My whole family loves bell peppers. I add it to salads, hot dishes to add flavor and aroma. Pepper is cut into cubes and poured into a deep bowl.
    My whole family loves bell peppers. I add it to salads, hot dishes to add flavor and aroma. Pepper is cut into cubes and poured into a deep bowl.
  2. Beans are soaked for 15 hours. When soaked, it swells well. I cooked it for 35 minutes. Wash the beans under running water and pour them into a bowl with pepper.
    Beans are soaked for 15 hours. When soaked, it swells well. I cooked it for 35 minutes. Wash the beans under running water and pour them into a bowl with pepper.
  3. Sliced cucumber.
    Sliced cucumber.
  4. Shredded cabbage.
    Shredded cabbage.
  5. Finely chopped parsley and dill. Chop the green onions and put them in a bowl.
    Finely chopped parsley and dill. Chop the green onions and put them in a bowl.
  6. Cherry tomatoes cut into quarters. I salted the contents of the bowl, added sugar, poured oil, balsamic vinegar, squeezed lemon juice and mixed well.
    Cherry tomatoes cut into quarters. I salted the contents of the bowl, added sugar, poured oil, balsamic vinegar, squeezed lemon juice and mixed well.
  7. We put the salad on a dish. Decorate with lettuce leaves, parsley and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions on top.
    We put the salad on a dish. Decorate with lettuce leaves, parsley and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions on top.
  8. Salad to taste is seasoned with sauce. Delicious, juicy, vitamin salad!
    Salad to taste is seasoned with sauce. Delicious, juicy, vitamin salad!
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