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Sach Archaeological Recipe
Sach - a special clay pan of the black sea region and any dish prepared in it. My recipe is based on Bulgarian recipes, but archaeologists have been finding Sach pans all over the region up to the Crimea since ancient times, where the ancient Greeks cooked, so the name is given in honor of the pan, not the ingredients. The ingredients are the most common, modern. If you suddenly do not have a clay Sacha, you can take a tray for baking.
Cook Time 120 minutes
Cook Time 120 minutes
  1. Urgently get a Sach (optional), prepare the ingredients: wash, clean from the seeds. It is desirable to keep the peel on everything except the orange (it will be tastier and the pieces will not break when cooking).
    Urgently get a Sach (optional), prepare the ingredients: wash, clean from the seeds. It is desirable to keep the peel on everything except the orange (it will be tastier and the pieces will not break when cooking).
  2. Coarsely cut vegetables: zucchini and eggplant plates 2-4 mm thick, carrots - 1-2 mm. It is refractory, it is better to cut it thinner than other vegetables.
    Coarsely cut vegetables: zucchini and eggplant plates 2-4 mm thick, carrots - 1-2 mm. It is refractory, it is better to cut it thinner than other vegetables.
  3. Cut the celery sticks lengthwise, onion large feathers (trying not to fall apart), Apple and sweet pepper slices. With tomatoes, too, do not mince, longitudinal quarters should be best. Divide the orange into slices and chop into cubes. Hot red pepper can be left whole, but then the surprise will fall to someone alone.
    Cut the celery sticks lengthwise, onion large feathers (trying not to fall apart), Apple and sweet pepper slices. With tomatoes, too, do not mince, longitudinal quarters should be best. Divide the orange into slices and chop into cubes. Hot red pepper can be left whole, but then the surprise will fall to someone alone.
  4. Put everything in the largest bowl, pour cold marinade. For the marinade, mix gunpowder from spices, vegetable oil (in the amount of salad), vinegar (pour as much as possible, not everyone likes it), salt, squeezed garlic. Sprinkle liberally with lemon juice. Mix with your hands. First, it tastes better, and secondly, it is important not to break the slices of vegetables, they are still baked. Leave to think for 30-40 minutes, give the juices. We enjoy the way the scents fill the whole house.
    Put everything in the largest bowl, pour cold marinade.
For the marinade, mix gunpowder from spices, vegetable oil (in the amount of salad), vinegar (pour as much as possible, not everyone likes it), salt, squeezed garlic. Sprinkle liberally with lemon juice.
Mix with your hands. First, it tastes better, and secondly, it is important not to break the slices of vegetables, they are still baked.
Leave to think for 30-40 minutes, give the juices. We enjoy the way the scents fill the whole house.
  5. We unload it in the Sach or tray. It should be a mountain that barely fits, but it will still be drained later. Cover with foil to speed up the boiling of the juices and not dry the vegetables. Put in a cold oven and gradually increase the temperature. This is especially important so that the earthenware does not burst, and the tastes have time to interpenetrate each other. Periodically, we look in and make sure that the juices are boiling, but the vegetables are not dry. When the top pieces want to burn, we drop the foil. You can let it stand in the oven off. The temperature and cooking time should be selected, all the plates are different. Put on the table directly in the Sacha or tray, it is very festive and fragrant. Delicious with rice or mashed potatoes on the side, but best of all-with a hot tandoor tortilla.
    We unload it in the Sach or tray. It should be a mountain that barely fits, but it will still be drained later. Cover with foil to speed up the boiling of the juices and not dry the vegetables. Put in a cold oven and gradually increase the temperature. This is especially important so that the earthenware does not burst, and the tastes have time to interpenetrate each other. Periodically, we look in and make sure that the juices are boiling, but the vegetables are not dry. When the top pieces want to burn, we drop the foil. You can let it stand in the oven off. The temperature and cooking time should be selected, all the plates are different.
Put on the table directly in the Sacha or tray, it is very festive and fragrant. Delicious with rice or mashed potatoes on the side, but best of all-with a hot tandoor tortilla.
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