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Simple Pizza with Sea Cocktail Recipe
Delicious and satisfying, this pizza goes well with beer, what could be better for gatherings with friends. Tomato sauce with garlic complements the flavor of seafood.
Cook Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
  1. Pizza dough is prepared in any way. In my version of the dough, just add rosemary and mashed garlic
    Pizza dough is prepared in any way. In my version of the dough, just add rosemary and mashed garlic
  2. For tomato sauce: mash peeled tomatoes, mix with basil, oregano, salt, grated garlic and half a glass of white wine, let everything cook lightly on low heat for 5 minutes, turn off.
    For tomato sauce: mash peeled tomatoes, mix with basil, oregano, salt, grated garlic and half a glass of white wine, let everything cook lightly on low heat for 5 minutes, turn off.
  3. We put pre-thawed and washed seafood in tomato sauce so that they are soaked, do not cook or fry.
    We put pre-thawed and washed seafood in tomato sauce so that they are soaked, do not cook or fry.
  4. Roll out the dough into a circle or square, lay out layers - sauce, finely chopped red (green) pepper, cheese, olives, seafood, chopped tomatoes, cheese and put red onion cut into rings on top. Put in a hot oven at a temperature of 200 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes, making sure that it does not overheat.
    Roll out the dough into a circle or square, lay out layers - sauce, finely chopped red (green) pepper, cheese, olives, seafood, chopped tomatoes, cheese and put red onion cut into rings on top. Put in a hot oven at a temperature of 200 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes, making sure that it does not overheat.
  5. Take it out, sprinkle with chopped herbs and you can serve.
    Take it out, sprinkle with chopped herbs and you can serve.
  6. Bon appetit.
    Bon appetit.
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