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New Year's Brownies Recipe
And yet, in the New Year's troubles, a simple but spectacular dessert is important! I suggest you quickly bake a chocolate brownie and serve it "not as always"! You can bake brownies at least a week before the holiday, and decorate shortly before the feast - it's convenient!
Cook Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put the knife in the bowl of the combine and lay out the broken pieces of chocolate. I recommend dark, but it's a matter of taste. In pulse mode, cut the chocolate into rather large pieces.
    Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put the knife in the bowl of the combine and lay out the broken pieces of chocolate. I recommend dark, but it's a matter of taste.
In pulse mode, cut the chocolate into rather large pieces.
  2. Replace the knife with a whipping nozzle.
    Replace the knife with a whipping nozzle.
  3. Add sugar and eggs to the bowl of the combine. beat at the first speed for 1 minute.
    Add sugar and eggs to the bowl of the combine. beat at the first speed for 1 minute.
  4. Without stopping whipping, pour vegetable oil in a thin stream through the hole in the lid. Beat for 1 minute.
    Without stopping whipping, pour vegetable oil in a thin stream through the hole in the lid. Beat for 1 minute.
  5. Separately sift a mixture of flour, salt, cocoa powder, baking powder and soda into a bowl. Pour the mixture into the bowl of the combine and beat in pulse mode until a homogeneous mass is obtained - a few seconds.
    Separately sift a mixture of flour, salt, cocoa powder, baking powder and soda into a bowl. Pour the mixture into the bowl of the combine and beat in pulse mode until a homogeneous mass is obtained - a few seconds.
  6. Pour 100 ml of heavy cream into the dough and whisk a couple of times in pulse mode. Last of all, pour in balsamic vinegar and "vignette" a couple of times.
    Pour 100 ml of heavy cream into the dough and whisk a couple of times in pulse mode. Last of all, pour in balsamic vinegar and "vignette" a couple of times.
  7. Pour the dough into the prepared mold. Rotate the mold in a circle a couple of times to prevent the formation of a dome.
    Pour the dough into the prepared mold. Rotate the mold in a circle a couple of times to prevent the formation of a dome.
  8. Place the dough form in a preheated oven and bake for half an hour.
    Place the dough form in a preheated oven and bake for half an hour.
  9. Check the readiness of the dough with a thin stick - it should come out with a small amount of wet crumbs. Do not over-dry the brownies.
    Check the readiness of the dough with a thin stick - it should come out with a small amount of wet crumbs. Do not over-dry the brownies.
  10. Cool the pie on the grill. Lightly sprinkle cognac on top. Then wrap in plastic wrap and put away in a cool place - from a couple of hours to several days. If there is no time at all, you can only cool it, it will also be delicious.
    Cool the pie on the grill. Lightly sprinkle cognac on top. Then wrap in plastic wrap and put away in a cool place - from a couple of hours to several days. If there is no time at all, you can only cool it, it will also be delicious.
  11. Cut the ripened cake into sectors and put it on the grill, leaving small gaps between the pieces.
    Cut the ripened cake into sectors and put it on the grill, leaving small gaps between the pieces.
  12. Heat the second 100 ml of heavy cream almost to a boil. Pour the cream over the broken second chocolate bar and let it stand for 5 minutes. Stir the chocolate vigorously until smooth.
    Heat the second 100 ml of heavy cream almost to a boil. Pour the cream over the broken second chocolate bar and let it stand for 5 minutes. Stir the chocolate vigorously until smooth.
  13. Pour the brownie pieces with chocolate. Let the chocolate set for 15 minutes.
    Pour the brownie pieces with chocolate. Let the chocolate set for 15 minutes.
  14. Draw a zigzag line with colored glaze imitating a Christmas tree and decorate the top with sugar snowflakes and beads. Well, or just sprinkle with chopped nuts.
    Draw a zigzag line with colored glaze imitating a Christmas tree and decorate the top with sugar snowflakes and beads. Well, or just sprinkle with chopped nuts.
  15. And the final touch - stick an ice cream stick in each piece - and it will be convenient for everyone to take brownies from the dish, and you will not need to look for a spatula or a teaspoon that like to disappear at the right moment!
    And the final touch - stick an ice cream stick in each piece - and it will be convenient for everyone to take brownies from the dish, and you will not need to look for a spatula or a teaspoon that like to disappear at the right moment!
  16. Brownies are obtained by everyone and always, and simple ideas for decorating them will allow everyone to show imagination!
    Brownies are obtained by everyone and always, and simple ideas for decorating them will allow everyone to show imagination!
  17. Enjoy)
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